Sunday, May 20, 2012


Shirt: Urban Outfitters
Skirt: Anthropologie
Shoes: Some cheapo shoe store

I'm in serious denial. I have a ten page paper due on Monday morning at 8:30 am...and I haven't started. Well, I have about half a page. So instead of working on that, I'm writing this post. It's much more important...right? Right!

It's my last big paper of my undergraduate career, and I have lost all motivation. A large part of this could be attributed to the fact that the class sucks. I usually feel like my classes are worth my time, and I learn a lot. But this class is such a disappointment. Instead of learning about cognition, we have spent the majority of the quarter on aging stereotypes. It's kinda interesting, but not what I signed up for.

Ahhhh, graduation is June 9th! Craziness.


  1. Your so close to being done, finish strong girl. I love the red blouse and have I told you your hair is gorgeous? Well it is! Lovely post.

  2. Such a sweet outfit! I absolutely LOVE that top, not only because of the bright red and polka dots, but because of the Peter Pan collar! So adorable! -Jessica


  3. I was in your exact same position a few weeks ago. Literally wrote one of my papers the very day it was due. Whoops! You'll get it done :) Good luck!


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