Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Chihuly Garden and Glass: Part Three

   Okay, last Chihuly post!

   The last part of the exhibit was the "Glass House," and outside garden area. Without a doubt, the Glass House is the highlight of all the galleries. The sculpture is 100 ft long, and frames the Space Needle with over a thousand orange, red, and yellow plates. Directly outside the Glass House is a huge yellow glass sculpture, situated perfectly under the Space Needle.

    It was really lucky that it wasn't raining! It had poured the day before, so I was mentally preparing to get soaked while walking through the garden area. Thanks Seattle sunshine for making an appearance!


  1. you're a seattle girl too? yay!! gorgeous photos- where do they have the blown glass? (it's been a while since i've ventured downtown haha) so glad i came across your blog

    andrea brionne

    1. It's a new permanent exhibit in the Seattle Center. You should definitely go, it was amazing!


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