Tuesday, August 28, 2012

wood walls

Yikes...it has been quiet around here. But every now and then life happens, you know? Today I spent the day in Seattle attending a Clinique strategy class. Every few months Clinique has a class to teach consultants about new products coming out. It's always a pretty fun time, but having to drive down to Seattle at 7:00 am really wears you out!

Right now I am vegging on the couch before heading out to watch Tommy play a show. As I sit in my living room I'm staring at dark, wood panel walls. I love just about everything about my house...except for the walls. If I had my way, I would paint them, but alas I'm a renter. They just seem to make everything very dark and brown. I'm not a brown person at all.

Yes, the above picture is a little extreme; my entire house is not filled with wooden items. But, I didn't have to move anything to get that shot either. So, I have been scouring the internet for ideas on how to work around wood paneled walls, and while I haven't found inspiration with a room that has ALL wood walls, these rooms have given me some ideas!

starting top left, going clockwise: mint peach, apartment therapy, emily a clark, one kind design, design sponge,

Do you guys have wood paneled walls? Love them, hate them? I love, but only in moderation!


  1. We don't have wooden walls in my family's house but when I'm lucky enough to buy my own I think I will have wooden walls :) There's just something charming about them BUT in moderation. I've fallen in love with the wooden wall against the stairs. That's amazing :)

  2. we have wooden walls but in out house on the mountain, which is pretty cool I mean. Their vibe is perfect

  3. I've been dreaming about a wooden wall behind my bed for almost a year now! Le sigh.

  4. i had one wood paneled wall in each of the bedrooms in my home - one we painted like a beach house kind of feel and the other we left. i loved them.

    Of Corgis and Cocktails is a fashion and lifestyle blog about quirky fashion, adorkable pups, delicious foods, and more.

    <3 katherine
    of corgis and cocktails

  5. Oh wow. Your house is like my dream home...


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