Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Sponsor Spotlight: Lauren from Love Lola + Giveaway!

Today I'm really excited to introduce Lauren from Love Lola! Lauren is an awesome blogger, vintage shop owner and creator of delicious recipes. I mean just gander at these sweet potato chips, or her sweet potato brownies. Yuuum! Lauren also collects awesome vintage items to sell in her shop, Love Lola Vintage.  You can also find Lauren on instagram and pinterest. Read more about Lauren below! 


Tell us a little bit about yourself and your blog:

I’m Lauren, but my friends call me Lola. Why Lola? Good question. I’m not totally sure. What I do know is it first started among my friends when I began teaching yoga in college. (I guess the retro/artsy name fit the image?) I kind of liked it because it seemed to express my “inner me.” Then it just stuck. So there you go… that is how the name of my blog came to be.

I reside in the state of South Carolina together with my husband, Scofield. We’re just approaching life step-by-step, enjoying each moment along the way. And that’s what you’ll find captured over in the blog—that + an array of recipes (mostly desserts).

Why do you blog? 
For me, it’s a creative outlet. As a nutrition student right now, I spend all day racking my brain with equations and scenarios. It’s nice to come home and exercise the other half of my brain...the artistic side. It often still involves nutrition (food)—such as the recipes I’m making at the moment…but still, it’s cooking, not calculating calories. It also serves as a sort of picture-journal of our first year of marriage, which is a treasure to be able to look back on. It’s a collection of memories that I hope brings joy to other folks as much as they bring joy to us.

What inspires you?
Let’s see—a very vague response would be Color, Freedom, and Beauty.

Color… It’s one of the reasons I love spring so much. Watching the purple flowers spring up and accent a tree of white flowers can stop me dead in my tracks. That, and get my camera clicking. 

Freedom…the kind of freedom you see in a child with absolutely no worries, or in a person completely comfortable in their skin. It inspires me to be free in who I am. Being free in who I am allows me to find and follow my inspirations.

And Beauty…it is most inspiring when it’s found in the most unexpected places. It’s then that it can really captivate your soul. I always try to find, and sometimes even create, beauty in the space around me in any way I can (including my “www. space”).

Tell us 3 random things about you:
1. I use white-out obsessively at my office job. I couldn’t get through a day without it.
2. I love biscuits.
3. I’d choose mountains over beach.

Favorite posts?

2. White Chocolate Cheesecake Cookies with Raspberry Buttercream. 

3. Snickerdoodle Almond Butter.

 Lauren is giving away a $20 giftcard to her shop, Love Lola Vintage for any order of $25 or more! Here are a few of my favorite pieces! 

How to Enter:
Simply follow "Love Lola," on Bloglovin', then complete as many other entries as you'd like! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. My favorite item from Love Lola Vintage are the Vintage Kitchen Tins // Coffee Flour and Tea Storage Tins! Love love love them!

  2. My favorite item from her shop is the vintage perfume bottles!


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