Sunday, January 12, 2014

Lazy Sunday Links

As some of you may know, I recently started a new job. Going from a retail job with crazy hours and no weekends, to a typical 9-5 with Saturday/Sunday off has been awesome. Sure, sometimes I wish for a Tuesday off in order to grocery shop in peace. But having nights and weekends off is pretty amazing.

Sundays are particularly special because Tommy has the day off as well. Our Sunday mornings together usually consist of sleeping until 10 or 11am, drinking coffee, making brunch and watching football while I scour the internet for awesome stuff. I cherish these lazy Sundays because after working in retail for so many years, having a Sunday off is truly something to celebrate!

All this being said, I thought it would be fun to start sharing these links I find on Sunday morning. That way you too can enjoy a lazy Sunday, filled with internet awesomeness.

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