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Friday, November 18, 2011

Out my kitchen window

  This week has been so busy, and until the end of the quarter it's only getting busier. Just a presentation, some papers, and a few tests and then it's Christmas break! Ahhh, I can't wait.

   Despite being jam packed with school work, I tried to make a little room to spruce up the kitchen. I hate doing the dishes, so I having a few pretty things to look at sitting above my sink. I painted a few bottles I found at the Goodwill, bought some fake flowers and gathered my teapots. The black and white teapot above was a birthday present from Tommy. He always picks out the best gifts!

  I had to share these cupcakes/muffins I made. It was late and I was craving some kind of pumpkin treat. Being super tired, I grabbed a white cake mix, a can of pumpkin, some pumpkin spice and chocolate tips. I wasn't sure how these would turn out...but they were so delicious!

You need:
  • cake mix
  • 1 can of pumpkin
  • a tablespoon or so of pumpkin spice (I didn't measure how much I put it...just until it tasted good!)
  • chocolate chips (I used about a half bag)
  Follow the directions on the cake mix, and throw in the other stuff. I baked mine for about 20-25 minutes. So moist and delicious!