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Monday, May 7, 2012

Guest Post: Tammy from Lemons, Avocados & the Bay

  I'm excited to share a guest post from Tammy, who blogs over at Lemons, Avocados & the Bay. Tammy has always been so kind and supportive of me and this blog, so I'm really glad to have her as my first guest post! Her blog is full of fun pictures of her adventures in San Diego and much, much more. So head over there and say hello! Thanks again Tammy! 

Hello Lovely Readers of Amanda k. by the bay
I'm Tammy, and am the voice behind the blog Lemons, Avocados & the Bay 
Amanda and I have a lot of things in common...
You know the red hair, the whole living by the bay thing, and that whole "growing up" thing. 
So lately I've been thinking about "growing up" thing a lot and...
What the heck am I?
I guess I'm not really a girl anymore...
I kind of feel like a young woman...
But am I a "woman"?

Lately I've tried figure out how to describe myself and the other females around me, and then my words start to get all jumbled when I attempt to define who is a girl and who is a woman?

Where do we start crossing that line between girl, young woman, and woman?
Is it when you finish college or grad school?
Get a "real" job.. you know the 9-5 kind?
Or the day you start paying your own bills, and start feeling guilty when you ask your parents for money?
How about when you get married? 
Buy a house?
Have kids?
Is it when you start gathering the strength to stick up for yourself and what you believe is right?
  When you start thinking for yourself, and worrying less about what people think?
Maybe it's all these things combined into one?

In the end, does any of this really matter?
I guess I'm trying to figure this all out
I guess I'm getting old(er)
Thanks for having me Amanda. 
I love your blog and feel so lucky to be guest posting here today.